I’m Still Here

Hello, dear readers and friends. If you checked up on this page at any time in 2022 you probably wondered if I had fallen off the face of the earth. The answer: kinda?

If you follow me on any social media channels you may have seen from my intermittent posting there that I’ve been dealing with an ongoing, undiagnosed illness since late 2020 that occasionally prevents me from doing anything at all. While my condition is still undiagnosed and I continue to have issues, I’ve now got some medication that helps with some aspects of my illness and makes life a little more bearable. It also makes me more functional so I’m hoping to return to in-person events this year – more info on that to come!

I did sign a contract for two new books to be published with Berkley/Penguin Random House – GOOD GIRLS DON’T DIE, which will be out in November of 2023, and BRIGHT HORSES, which will be out some time next year. GOOD GIRLS DON’T DIE is in the copyediting stage, and BRIGHT HORSES has been sent to my editor for revisions. When I have cover info and preorder links I’ll share those here and on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

In the meantime, I’m still here.